Friday, August 27, 2010

CONFERENCE: Early registration deadline for October OR-ABA conference is September 1, 2010!

Issues a reminder that the early registration deadline for discounted registration fees for the

1st Annual ORABA Conference
October 2nd, 2010
Shilo Inn Airport
11707 NE Airport Way,
Portland, OR 97220

is coming up quickly and that the early registration discount is until 
September 1, 2010!! 

8am -9am-- Registration
9am-noon-- Key Note Speaker
Vincent J. Carbone, Ed.D, BCBA; Carbone Clinic
Noon-1:30pm-- Lunch Break

1:30pm-3:00pm-- Session I
John T. Rapp, Ph.D., BCBA-D  or 
Jane Howard, Ph.D., BCBA-D & Coleen Sparkman, MA, CCC-SLP

3:15pm- 4:45pm-- Session II
Allen Neuringer, Ph.D. or
Melanie Shaw, BCBA

5:00pm- 6:30pm-- Session III
Vincent J. Carbone Ed.D, BCBA or
Jennifer Knipling, BCBA

Early Registration Due September 1st, 2010

To download the brochure/registration form: pdf   or  MSWord
To download presenter biographies and
detailed descriptions of each session's presentations:
pdf   or  MSWord

For questions or more information on the Conference, please contact ORABA President Sarah Schaefer, LPC, BCBA, .
For more information on ORABA, please see the ORABA website.

Thank you and we hope to see you October 2 in Portland!!

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Please visit our website to find out more about OR-ABA, our activities, monthly meetings and speakers.