Friday, August 27, 2010

CONFERENCE: Early registration deadline for October OR-ABA conference is September 1, 2010!

Issues a reminder that the early registration deadline for discounted registration fees for the

1st Annual ORABA Conference
October 2nd, 2010
Shilo Inn Airport
11707 NE Airport Way,
Portland, OR 97220

is coming up quickly and that the early registration discount is until 
September 1, 2010!! 

8am -9am-- Registration
9am-noon-- Key Note Speaker
Vincent J. Carbone, Ed.D, BCBA; Carbone Clinic
Noon-1:30pm-- Lunch Break

1:30pm-3:00pm-- Session I
John T. Rapp, Ph.D., BCBA-D  or 
Jane Howard, Ph.D., BCBA-D & Coleen Sparkman, MA, CCC-SLP

3:15pm- 4:45pm-- Session II
Allen Neuringer, Ph.D. or
Melanie Shaw, BCBA

5:00pm- 6:30pm-- Session III
Vincent J. Carbone Ed.D, BCBA or
Jennifer Knipling, BCBA

Early Registration Due September 1st, 2010

To download the brochure/registration form: pdf   or  MSWord
To download presenter biographies and
detailed descriptions of each session's presentations:
pdf   or  MSWord

For questions or more information on the Conference, please contact ORABA President Sarah Schaefer, LPC, BCBA, .
For more information on ORABA, please see the ORABA website.

Thank you and we hope to see you October 2 in Portland!!

The Oregon Association for Behavior Analysis (OR-ABA) posts items only as a service to OR-ABA members and other interested persons. OR-ABA reserves the right to edit items submitted for content, length, and style. OR-ABA will post only those event announcements that appear to be consistent with OR-ABA's statement of purpose, relevant laws, regulations, and ethical principles. OR-ABA's decision in this regard is final. These announcements should not construed as advertisements or endorsements of the products, services, or events described. OR-ABA cannot accept paid advertising on these pages. Announcements of commerical events or events with strong commercial tie-ins will be carefully evaluated for suitability. OR-ABA makes no representation of the accuracy of the events announcements, the quality of the events described, or suitability of any event or its intended use.
Please visit our website to find out more about OR-ABA, our activities, monthly meetings and speakers.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

WORKSHOP: Oct. 5-6, 2010 Seattle - "Inclusion and Adolescent Transition in ASDs"

Upcoming Autism Conference

"Inclusion and Adolescent Transition in ASDs"

Seattle, WA
October 5 - 6, 2010

Tuesday, October 5,  2010 
The Inclusive Classroom
Paula KluthWorkshop Presenter:
Paula Kluth, Ph.D. is a consultant, teacher, author, advocate, and independent scholar who works with teachers and families to provide inclusive opportunities for students with disabilities and to create more responsive and engaging schooling experiences for all learners. Her research and professional interests include differentiating instruction, and supporting students with autism and significant disabilities in inclusive classrooms.

Workshop Description:
This interactive day features group activities, real-world stories, and tools you can bring back to the classroom immediately. Participants will learn practical ways of supporting students with autism spectrum labels & other disabilities within a general education classroom. The centerpiece of the presentation is Paula's "Top Ten Strategies List for Inclusive Classrooms" in which she addresses the need for sensory supports, visuals, active learning, "safe space," and materials that capitalize on student strengths. Other topics addressed include defining (and redefining) autism, listening to the voices of those with autism, creating more responsive lessons, making the classroom comfortable, and providing opportunities for communication skill development. The presentation provides teachers with the necessary knowledge and strategies to understand every student as complex, as capable, and as a learner.
Learning Objectives for Participants:
-Compare and contrast definitions of autism
-Learn how some people with autism see and experience schooling
-Learn the benefits of inclusive schools for students with autism
-Learn active learning techniques appropriate for K-12 classrooms
-Learn ideas for adapting curriculum and instruction to meet the needs of diverse learners
-Learn techniques for supporting the development of communication skills and competencies in inclusive classrooms

Wednesday, October 6,  2010  
Bridges to Adulthood for Learners with Autism Spectrum Disorders

Workshop Presenter: 
Peter GerhardtPeter Gerhardt, Ed.D., is the President and the Chairman of the Scientific Council, of the Organization for Autism Research (OAR) in Arlington, Virginia. He is the author or co-author of articles and book chapters on the needs of adults with autism spectrum disorder, the school-to-work transition process and analysis and intervention of problematic behavior.  He has presented nationally and internationally on these topics.
Workshop Description:
The past decade has seen reports citing the dramatic increase in the prevalence of autism and related disorders (ASD) to the current 1 case per 110 individuals most recently identified by the Centers for Disease Control (2009). There are greater numbers of individuals being diagnosed with ASD than ever before and subsequently, steadily growing numbers of adolescents and young adults on the autism spectrum. This increase in prevalence has created an increased demand for appropriate and effective services for adolescents and young adults with ASD. Unfortunately, the need for such services continues to far exceed the available resources, leaving a generation of individuals with autism and their families in a programmatic, financial, and personal limbo. This presentation will provide an overview of effective transition programming- at any age- with the ultimate goal being a life of dignity, competence, and quality. To this end, an overview and practical suggestions for transition planning (inclusive of employment goals) will be presented along with issues related to community based training, social competence, sexuality and quality of life concerns.
After having attended this workshop, participants will be able to:
-Identify the components of a comprehensive transition plan
-Differentiate between social survival and social competence of the applications of both
-Discuss the importance of direct, intensive instruction in adaptive behavior if community living is expected to be the outcome of an effective education
-Define the multiple constituent groups whose needs are to be met in the employment development process
-Identify the three primary components of sexuality
-Describe the individually determined components of an assessment of quality of life

Workshop Details 

Printer-friendly conference information and registration form 
Seattle Doubletree AirportLocation:
Doubletree Hotel Seattle Airport
18740 International Blvd.
Seattle, WA 98188
(206) 246-8600
There is a reserved block of rooms available for our group at $129 plus tax per night. Please call the hotel for reservations.
One Day:
Early Bird: $125
Regular: $140 
Two Days:
Early Bird: $175
Regular: $205
Early bird pricing lasts through August 23, 2010. Regular pricing starts on August 24, 2010.
Washington Clock Hours are pending approval. Our webpage will list when approved. 
CEUs are available for either one day (0.6 CEUs) or two days (1.2 CEUs). There are six hours of lecture per conference day. CEUs are an additional $25. Please note this when sending in registration fees or registering online. For more information, visit our web page.
There will be an extensive on-site autism bookstore at the conference. Visa, Mastercard, Discover, purchase orders, checks and cash are accepted. To see an even larger selection of autism books, please see our online bookstore.
        7:00-8:00am  Check-in
        8:00-9:30am  Speaker
        9:30-9:45am  Break
      9:45-11:30am  Speaker
11:30am-12:30pm  Lunch (On your own)
      12:30-2:00pm  Speaker
        2:00-2:15pm  Break
        2:15-3:30pm  Speaker

For more information on hotel location, maps, graduate credit, CEUs, presenter biographies, cancellation policies, meals, registration and workshop objectives, please visit our Seattle web page.
Thank you very much,

Spectrum Training

(920) 749-0332

The Oregon Association for Behavior Analysis (OR-ABA) posts items only as a service to OR-ABA members and other interested persons. OR-ABA reserves the right to edit items submitted for content, length, and style. OR-ABA will post only those event announcements that appear to be consistent with OR-ABA's statement of purpose, relevant laws, regulations, and ethical principles. OR-ABA's decision in this regard is final. These announcements should not construed as advertisements or endorsements of the products, services, or events described. OR-ABA cannot accept paid advertising on these pages. Announcements of commerical events or events with strong commercial tie-ins will be carefully evaluated for suitability. OR-ABA makes no representation of the accuracy of the events announcements, the quality of the events described, or suitability of any event or its intended use.
Please visit our website to find out more about OR-ABA, our activities, monthly meetings and speakers.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Webcasts from the National Autism Conference August 2-6, 2010; Online CEs, including BACB, available.

The annual Penn State National Autism Conference is one of the great ones - because of the number of presentations, the stellar lineup of some of the best in autism intervention, and that they go to great lengths to generously make the content available to families and practitioners by webcasts, archiving of some presentations and some sales of video.

This year is no exception, with online webcasts being made available during the conference August 2-6, 2010. Mark your calendar, so that you don't miss this opportunity!

Note: This listing highlights those online webcasts which offer Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB) CEs, but the full program also has opportunities for ASHA and Psych CEUs.
**For those not seeking CEs, the webcasts are FREE OF CHARGE.**

For those interested in attending the conference in person, please see the Conference Homepage.

"The Pennsylvania Department of Education, Bureau of Special Education, and PaTTAN are proud to announce an exciting opportunity to participate in the 2010 National Autism Conference via live Webcasting.

Various sessions will be available to view live from your computer. During the conference, simply visit the Web site and click on the live Webcasting page and follow the instructions on the days that you wish to participate..."

For complete session descriptions, CEU amounts, and registration information, please visit agenda pages.

Monday, August 2, 2010
1:00–4:00 p.m.
4. Effective Instruction: The Difference between Mediocrity and Excellence
Ed Schaefer
1:00–4:00 p.m.
9. Promoting Independence for Maximum Success
Bridget Taylor
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
9:00 a.m.–noon
14. Using Direct Instruction Curricula to Teach Learners with ASD
Cathy Watkins

1:15–4:15 p.m.
24. Development of Advanced Intraverbal Repertoires
Mark Sundberg
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
9:00 a.m.–noon
34. Teaching Verbal Skills to Students with Autism
Carol Afflerbaugh

9:00 a.m.–noon
37. Eating and Feeding Challenges in Autism
Keith Williams and Laura Seiverling 
Thursday, August 5, 2010
9:00 a.m.–noon
55. Crisis Management for Families
David Lennox

1:15–4:15 p.m.
60. Precision Teaching, Fluency, and Celeration-Based Learning
Kent Johnson

1:15–4:15 p.m.
65. Toilet Training at Any Age
Frank Cicero
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Verbalbehavior wiki blog
Fascinating audio presentation by Mark Sundberg, Ph.D., BCBA-D on verbal behavior assessment for children with autism and the VB-MAPP

Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Verbalbehavior wiki blog 

Highlights from the Penn State National Autism Conference 2009

The Oregon Association for Behavior Analysis (OR-ABA) posts items only as a service to OR-ABA members and other interested persons. OR-ABA reserves the right to edit items submitted for content, length, and style. OR-ABA will post only those event announcements that appear to be consistent with OR-ABA's statement of purpose, relevant laws, regulations, and ethical principles. OR-ABA's decision in this regard is final. These announcements should not construed as advertisements or endorsements of the products, services, or events described. OR-ABA cannot accept paid advertising on these pages. Announcements of commerical events or events with strong commercial tie-ins will be carefully evaluated for suitability. OR-ABA makes no representation of the accuracy of the events announcements, the quality of the events described, or suitability of any event or its intended use.

visit our website to find out more about OR-ABA, our activities, monthly meetings and speakers.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Presentations by Oregon researchers at the Association for Behavior Analysis International Annual Convention

Some of the presentations by Oregon researchers at the Association for Behavior Analysis International Annual Convention, May 28-June 1, 2010, Henry Gonzales Convention Center, San Antonio, Texas

# 355 Invited Symposium
05/31/2010, 9:00 AM - 10:20 AM
103AB (CC), CSE; Theory, BACB CE Offered. CE Instructor: Anthony Biglan, Ph.D.
Chair: Michael Weinberg (Orlando Behavior Health Services, LLC)
Discussant: Michael Weinberg (Orlando Behavior Health Services, LLC)

A Range of Disciplines, a Range of Evidence, and Can We Nurture Our Environment Through Behavioral Science

Nurturing Environments: A Framework for Comprehensive Cultural Change 
ANTHONY BIGLAN (Oregon Research Institute)

Dr. Biglan has conducted numerous experimental evaluations of interventions to prevent tobacco use both through school-based programs and community-wide interventions. He has also done experimental evaluations of school- and family-focused interventions to prevent aggressive social behavior and reading failure, as well as clinical interventions to prevent high-risk sexual behavior. During the 2000-2001 school year, Dr. Biglan led a team of scholars in a review of current knowledge about the development and prevention of multiple problem behaviors of adolescence (Biglan, Brennan, Foster, & Holder, 2004). He is the author of the 1995 book, Changing Cultural Practices: A contextualist framework for intervention research, published by Context Press. His current work focuses on fostering the beneficial evolution of societal practices using behavioral science knowledge.

Abstract: Epidemiological and prevention research has helped to pinpoint a small number of basic conditions that are essential in ensuring young people’s successful development and preventing diverse psychological and behavioral problems. It is useful to label these conditions "nurturing environments," both for the purpose of further research and in enhancing efforts to improve human wellbeing. Nurturing environments (a) minimize toxic biological and psychological conditions, (b) richly reinforce prosocial behavior, (c) teach and promote prosocial skills and values, (d) limit prompts and opportunities for problem behavior, and (e) promote psychological flexibility. I will briefly review the prevention and epidemiological research that supports these assertions. The analysis will provide a framework for focusing further behavioral science research on increasing the prevalence of nurturing family, school, workplace, and neighborhood environments. I will describe how a concerted public health effort can achieve this type of cultural evolution. I will use the Promise Neighborhood Consortium as an example. The goal of this recently funded consortium is to assist the nation’s high-poverty communities in establishing effective prevention practices.

# 457 Symposium
05/31/2010, 3:00 PM - 4:20 PM
Texas Ballroom Salon A (Grand Hyatt)
EDC; Applied Behavior Analysis, BACB CE Offered. CE Instructor: Cynthia Anderson, Ph.D.
Chair: Cynthia M. Anderson (University of Oregon)

Behavior Analysis in the Classroom: Interventions to Decrease Problem Behavior and Enhance Learning

Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Secondary Interventions for Students Whose With Escape-Maintained Problem Behavior 
JESSICA TURTURA (University of Oregon), Cynthia M. Anderson (University of Oregon), Justin Boyd (University of Oregon)

Abstract: Schools increasingly are moving to three-tiered models of behavior support consisting of primary interventions for all students, secondary interventions for students at risk, and tertiary supports for students with significant need. Primary prevention is implemented for all students and is similar across students whereas tertiary supports typically are based on results of a functional assessment and consist of individualized interventions. In the middle lie secondary supports, small group interventions for students emitting similar, low-intensity behavior problems. A commonly used secondary intervention that is evidence-based is Check-in/Check-out (CICO; Hawken & Horner, 2003), CICO builds off of home-school notes and is effective for students whose problem behaviors are attention-maintained. Importantly, CICO offers little in terms of altering the environmental contingencies which maintain problem behaviors for students who engage in escape-maintained problem behavior (March & Horner, 2002). This presentation will focus on two modifications of CICO for students whose problem behaviors are maintained by escape from or avoidance of academic tasks and activities. Specifically, two modified versions of CICO were designed and evaluated; one for elementary-aged students and the other for middle school-aged students. Each intervention was implemented as a secondary intervention in a school, by typical school staff. We used appropriate single subject designs to assess effects of each intervention on problem behavior and academic skills. 

Enhancing Pre-Literacy Instruction With the Good Behavior Game 
BILLIE JO RODRIGUEZ (University of Oregon), Cynthia M. Anderson (University of Oregon)

Abstract: Deficits in pre-reading skills at the end of kindergarten have been shown to predict future behavior problems and lack of responsiveness to school-wide interventions over time. This suggests early intervention is important not only to prevent later reading problems but also to prevent future behavioral challenges. Small-group reading instruction often is provided for young children at risk for reading failure. Group instructors often are instructional assistants with little or no experience managing social behavior of groups. In this experiment we assessed effects of training instructors to use TGBG [The Good Behavior Game] during reading groups. A concurrent multiple baseline across groups design was used to assess effects. For all groups, a significant reduction in problem behavior was observed. Further, all instructors implemented TGBG with fidelity and indicated a high degree of satisfaction with the intervention. This experiment demonstrates how TGBG can be used to incorporate behavior analytic techniques in school settings for students who are at-risk for academic difficulties

Biglan, A. (2004). Helping adolescents at risk: Prevention of multiple problem behaviors.. New York, NY: Guilford Press.

Hawken, L. & Horner, R. (2003). Evaluation of a targeted group intervention within a school-wide system of behavior support, Journal of Behavioral Education, 12, 225-240.

March, R. E., & Horner, R. H. (2002). Feasibility and contributions of functional behavioral assessment in schools. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, 10, 158-170.

The Oregon Association for Behavior Analysis (OR-ABA) posts items only as a service to OR-ABA members and other interested persons. OR-ABA reserves the right to edit items submitted for content, length, and style. OR-ABA will post only those event announcements that appear to be consistent with OR-ABA's statement of purpose, relevant laws, regulations, and ethical principles. OR-ABA's decision in this regard is final. These announcements should not construed as advertisements or endorsements of the products, services, or events described. OR-ABA cannot accept paid advertising on these pages. Announcements of commerical events or events with strong commercial tie-ins will be carefully evaluated for suitability. OR-ABA makes no representation of the accuracy of the events announcements, the quality of the events described, or suitability of any event or its intended use.

visit our website to find out more about OR-ABA, our activities, monthly meetings and speakers.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Association for Science in Autism Treatment's free Spring 2010 Newsletter is now online!

The Association for Science in Autism Treatment (ASAT)'s Spring 2010 newsletter, Science in Autism Treatment is now online and available for download at their website.

ASAT has a request that those who find these newsletters and other resources offered by ASAT of value, help spread the word to friends, families and colleagues about ASAT, the resources offered, and the newsletter so that as  many as possible know where to go to get good information on evidenced treatments and interventions for autism spectrum disorders.

To sign up for future issues of Science in Autism Treatment when they are issued.

Some of the contents in the Spring 2010 Science in Autism Treatment,
  • "Facilitate This": Part I of a Two-Part Interview with Dr. James Todd
  • Message from ASAT President, David Celiberti, Ph.D., BCBA-D
  • Science in Autism Treatment (SIAT) Team
  • ASAT Committee Members
  • Clinical Corner: Discussing Concerns with Family Members
  • Book Review on Blessed with Autism : A Parent’s Guide to Securing Financial Support for the Treatment of Children with Autism.
  • AAP Position Statement on Vision Therapy
  • ASAT Board of Directors
  • Consumer Corner: "Resources for Implementation of Evidence-Based Practice"
  • Parent Survey Opportunity
  • Science Corner: "Interventions for Individuals on the Autism Spectrum and How Best to Evaluate their Effectiveness"
  • Letter from the Co-Editor : Josh Pritchard, MS, BCBA
  • Research Review: "Multiple Effects of Joint Attention Intervention for Children with Autism"
  • Research Review: "Joint Attention Training for Children with Autism using Behavior Modification Procedures"
  • "Treatment Summary: Developmental Therapy"
  • Announcement: ASAT on Facebook
Past post
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
ANNOUNCE: You are invited to subscribe to ASAT's free newsletter, "Science in Autism Treatment"

The Oregon Association for Behavior Analysis (OR-ABA) posts items only as a service to OR-ABA members and other interested persons. OR-ABA reserves the right to edit items submitted for content, length, and style. OR-ABA will post only those event announcements that appear to be consistent with OR-ABA's statement of purpose, relevant laws, regulations, and ethical principles. OR-ABA's decision in this regard is final. These announcements should not construed as advertisements or endorsements of the products, services, or events described. OR-ABA cannot accept paid advertising on these pages. Announcements of commerical events or events with strong commercial tie-ins will be carefully evaluated for suitability. OR-ABA makes no representation of the accuracy of the events announcements, the quality of the events described, or suitability of any event or its intended use.

visit our website to find out more about OR-ABA, our activities, monthly meetings and speakers.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

EVENT: Call for Presentations and Info on Nov. 4-6, 2010 International Precision Teaching Conference, Seattle, WA

An announcement about an upcoming event from the Standard Celeration Society,
a Special Interest Group of ABA International

Mark your calendar and tell your friends!

The Call for Presentations and a new informational flyer has been released for the 
23rd International Precision Teaching Conference
"Precision Teaching: Out of the Closet
and into the World of Education"
November 4-6, 2010 
Seattle, Washington.

Submission of Presentations will begin in mid-May at the Standard Celeration Society website
and conclude on July 15, 2010.
------------- 0 ---------------

Present the
23rd Annual International Precision Teaching Conference (IPTC)
Precision Teaching: Out of the Closet and into the World of Education

When: November 4th, 5th, 6th, 2010

Holiday Inn Seattle
211 Dexter Ave North
Seattle, WA 98109
Hotel Front Desk: 1-206-728-8123
Group Reservation Code: Morningside
Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB) Type 2 credits available

Target Audience
  • Students
  • Teachers
  • Parents
  • Behavior analysts
  • Principals and administrators
  • College professors
  • Staff developers
  • Psychologists
Potential Topics
  • Introduction to Precision Teaching (PT)
  • Precision Teaching in public school settings
  • Precision Teaching and autism intervention
  • Use of the Standard Celeration Chart (SCC) in business and industry
  • Basic and applied science of Precision Teaching
  • The Standard Celeration Chart to measure student progress/achievement
Potential Presenters
People who
  • Apply Precision Teaching in public education
  • Use the Standard Celeration Chart (SCC) for Applied Behavior Analysis
  • Run private Precision Teaching schools or learning centers
  • Use Precision Teaching in college instruction
  • Teach grad/undergrad students about Precision Teaching
  • Use Precision Teaching in business and industry
  • Develop curricula
  • Precision Teaching for underserved populations
Preconference tours & workshops- Thursday November 4th, 2010
Visit: Morningside Academy, FEAT of Washington, or Academy for Precision Learning (APL)
Hope to see you in Seattle!
The Oregon Association for Behavior Analysis (OR-ABA) posts items only as a service to OR-ABA members and other interested persons. OR-ABA reserves the right to edit items submitted for content, length, and style. OR-ABA will post only those event announcements that appear to be consistent with OR-ABA's statement of purpose, relevant laws, regulations, and ethical principles. OR-ABA's decision in this regard is final. These announcements should not construed as advertisements or endorsements of the products, services, or events described. OR-ABA cannot accept paid advertising on these pages. Announcements of commerical events or events with strong commercial tie-ins will be carefully evaluated for suitability. OR-ABA makes no representation of the accuracy of the events announcements, the quality of the events described, or suitability of any event or its intended use.

visit our website to find out more about OR-ABA, our activities, monthly meetings and speakers.

Monday, April 26, 2010

EVENT: Reminder of Summer Direct Instruction Conferences in Eugene, OR and special conference in Columbus, OH on DI for ASD learners

Reminder of  two summer conferences of interest to those who use the Direct Instruction (Becker, Englemann) model of instruction or are interested in learning more about it -
  • 36th National Direct Instruction Conference And Institutes, which will be held in Eugene, Oregon and
  • Effective Programs for Learners With Autism Spectrum Disorders—A Direct Instruction Conference, Columbus, Ohio.

36th National Direct Instruction Conference And Institutes July 25–29, 2010
Hilton Eugene Hotel & Conference Center
Eugene, Oregon

Beginning and Advanced Training
College Credit
BACB® Approved Continuing Education Units available

"Join us for the longest running, most comprehensive Direct Instruction Training available.

This year we are pleased to present long time DI Consultant Carolyn Schneider along with Zig Engelmann as our keynote speakers.

We will have sessions for beginning and veteran users, as well as sessions designed for classroom teachers and parapros, coaches, and administrators. Special tracks for general, and special education and many others will be highlighted"

Please see the conference brochure for full information on events, registration and lodging.

Questions about the National Direct Instruction Conference should be directed to the Association for Direct Instruction

AND a new special focus Direct Instruction Conference in Columbus, Ohio

Effective Programs for Learners With Autism Spectrum Disorders—A Direct Instruction Conference, Columbus, Ohio
August 16–18, 2010
Hilton Columbus/Polaris
Columbus, Ohio

BACB® Approved Continuing Education Units available!
College Credit Available!
Training Designed for Teachers, Practitioners and Parents!

"Training on Reading Mastery, Language for Learning, DISTAR Arithmetic, Connecting Math Concepts and Corrective Reading Comprehension will be featured at this training tailored specifically for those that work with students with an ASD diagnosis."
[Blog author note - for information on these curriculum packages, see Signals, The Direct Instruction Community]

Please see the conference brochure for full information on events, registration and lodging.

Questions about the Effective Programs for Learners With Autism Spectrum Disorders conference should be directed to the Association for Direct Instruction

Past posts
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Eugene, OR: Association for Direct Instruction announces dates for National Direct Instruction Conference and Institutes

The Oregon Association for Behavior Analysis (OR-ABA) posts items only as a service to OR-ABA members and other interested persons. OR-ABA reserves the right to edit items submittedfor content, length, and style. OR-ABA will post only those event announcements that appear to be consistent with OR-ABA's statement of purpose, relevant laws, regulations, and ethical principles. OR-ABA's decision in this regard is final. These announcements should not construed as advertisements or endorsements of the products, services, or events described. OR-ABA cannot accept paid advertising on these pages. Announcements of commerical events or events with strong commercial tie-ins will be carefully evaluated for suitability. OR-ABA makes no representation of the accuracy of the events announcements, the quality of the events described, or suitability of any event or its intended use.

visit our website to find out more about OR-ABA, our activities, monthly meetings and speakers.