ASAT has a request that those who find these newsletters and other resources offered by ASAT of value, help spread the word to friends, families and colleagues about ASAT, the resources offered, and the newsletter so that as many as possible know where to go to get good information on evidenced treatments and interventions for autism spectrum disorders.
To sign up for future issues of Science in Autism Treatment when they are issued.
Some of the contents in the Spring 2010 Science in Autism Treatment,
- "Facilitate This": Part I of a Two-Part Interview with Dr. James Todd
- Message from ASAT President, David Celiberti, Ph.D., BCBA-D
- Science in Autism Treatment (SIAT) Team
- ASAT Committee Members
- Clinical Corner: Discussing Concerns with Family Members
- Book Review on Blessed with Autism : A Parent’s Guide to Securing Financial Support for the Treatment of Children with Autism.
- AAP Position Statement on Vision Therapy
- ASAT Board of Directors
- Consumer Corner: "Resources for Implementation of Evidence-Based Practice"
- Parent Survey Opportunity
- Science Corner: "Interventions for Individuals on the Autism Spectrum and How Best to Evaluate their Effectiveness"
- Letter from the Co-Editor : Josh Pritchard, MS, BCBA
- Research Review: "Multiple Effects of Joint Attention Intervention for Children with Autism"
- Research Review: "Joint Attention Training for Children with Autism using Behavior Modification Procedures"
- "Treatment Summary: Developmental Therapy"
- Announcement: ASAT on Facebook
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
ANNOUNCE: You are invited to subscribe to ASAT's free newsletter, "Science in Autism Treatment"
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Please visit our website to find out more about OR-ABA, our activities, monthly meetings and speakers.
The Oregon Association for Behavior Analysis (OR-ABA) posts items only as a service to OR-ABA members and other interested persons. OR-ABA reserves the right to edit items submitted for content, length, and style. OR-ABA will post only those event announcements that appear to be consistent with OR-ABA's statement of purpose, relevant laws, regulations, and ethical principles. OR-ABA's decision in this regard is final. These announcements should not construed as advertisements or endorsements of the products, services, or events described. OR-ABA cannot accept paid advertising on these pages. Announcements of commerical events or events with strong commercial tie-ins will be carefully evaluated for suitability. OR-ABA makes no representation of the accuracy of the events announcements, the quality of the events described, or suitability of any event or its intended use.
Please visit our website to find out more about OR-ABA, our activities, monthly meetings and speakers.