Wednesday, July 29, 2009

ANNOUNCE: New volume of The Analysis of Verbal Behavior is now available!

Caio Miguel, Ph.D., BCBA., Editor of the journal The Analysis of Verbal Behavior (TAVB) has recently announced that volume 25 has been published and is available for purchase at the ABA International website.

Table of Contents for the volume
DIRECT LINK TO THE VOLUME, where abstracts are available.

  • Miguel, C.F. (2009). Editorial: The Verbal Behavior Approach. The Analysis of Verbal Behavior, 25.

  • Sidman, M. (2009). Equivalence relations and behavior: An introductory tutorial. The Analysis of Verbal Behavior, 25.

  • LaFrance, D., Wilder, D.A., Normand, M.P., & Squires, J.L. (2009). Extending the assessment of functions of vocalizations in children with limited verbal repertoires. The Analysis of Verbal Behavior, 25

  • Kubina, R.M., Wolfe, P. & Kostewicz, D.E. (2009). General outcome measures for verbal operants. The Analysis of Verbal Behavior, 25

  • Arntzen, E., Halstadtro, L-B., & Halstadtro, M. (2009). The "silent dog" method: A procedure for analyzing the impact of self-generated rules with teaching different computer chains to two boys with autism. The Analysis of Verbal Behavior, 25

  • Newman, B., Reinecke, D., & Ramos, M. (2009). Is a reasonable attempt reasonable? Shaping versus reinforcing verbal attempts of preschoolers diagnosed with autism. The Analysis of Verbal Behavior, 25

  • Esch, J.W., Esch, B.E. , & Love, J.R. (2009). Increasing vocal variability in children diagnosed with autism using a lag schedule of reinforcement. The Analysis of Verbal Behavior, 25

  • Vedora, J., & Meunier, L., & Mackay, H. (2009). Teaching intraverbal behavior to children with autism: A comparison of textual and echoic prompts. The Analysis of Verbal Behavior, 25

  • Gross, A.C. & Fox, E.J. (2009). Relational Frame Theory: An overview of the controversy. The Analysis of Verbal Behavior, 25

  • Knapp, T.J. (2009). The Hefferline notes: B.F. Skinner's first public exposition of his analysis of verbal behavior. The Analysis of Verbal Behavior, 25

  • Petursdottir, A.I., Peterson, S.P., & Peters, A.C. (2009). A quarter century of The Analysis of Verbal Behavior: An analysis of impact. The Analysis of Verbal Behavior, 25

  • Marcon-Dawson, A., Vicara, S.M., & Miguel, C.F. (2009). Publication trends in The Analysis of Verbal Behavior: 1999-2008. The Analysis of Verbal Behavior, 25


The Oregon Association for Behavior Analysis (OR-ABA) posts items only as a service to OR-ABA members and other interested persons. OR-ABA reserves the right to edit items submittedfor content, length, and style. OR-ABA will post only those event announcements that appear to be consistent with OR-ABA's statement of purpose, relevant laws, regulations, and ethical principles. OR-ABA's decision in this regard is final. These announcements should not construed as advertisements or endorsements of the products, services, or events described. OR-ABA cannot accept paid advertising on these pages. Announcements of commerical events or events with strong commercial tie-ins will be carefully evaluated for suitability. OR-ABA makes no representation of the accuracy of the events announcements, the quality of the events described, or suitability of any event or its intended use.
Please visit our website to find out more about OR-ABA, our activities, monthly meetings and speakers.

ANNOUNCE: Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC) Requests Public Comment

The Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee, the committee of the NIMH charged with developing a strategic plan for Autism Spectrum Disorder research per the Combating Autism Act, has issued a Request for Information. Please see below for the specifics, including confidentiality and email contact. The deadline for responding is August 21, 2009.

"Request for Information (RFI): Updating the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee Strategic Plan for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Research

On behalf of the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC), the Nation Institute of Mental Health is seeking comments to inform the annual update of the IACC Strategic Plan for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Research, as required by the Combating Autism Act of 2006 (P.L. 109-416).

The purpose of this RFI is to solicit input from ASD stakeholders to inform the next update of the Strategic Plan. In the RFI form, there will be an opportunity to provide input on each section of the IACC Strategic Plan. Please include suggestions regarding missing or underrepresented knowledge areas, new opportunities needed for advancing research and knowledge about ASD, and suggestions for prioritizing research objectives.

The RFI will close on August 21, 2009.
Responses must be submitted electronically via the web-based form.

The IACC was established as a result of The Combating Autism Act. The act requires that the IACC develop a strategic plan for autism research and update the strategic plan annually. The IACC is composed of both Federal and public members. The first IACC Strategic Plan for ASD Research was developed through an extensive process engaging a wide range of Federal agencies and public stakeholders.

The Strategic Plan is organized around six questions that are important for people with ASD and their families:

I. When should I be concerned?

II. How can I understand what is happening?

III. What caused this to happen and can this be prevented?

IV. Which treatments and interventions will help?

V. Where can I turn for services?

VI. What does the future hold?

Please Note: The responses that you provide will become part of the public record. You have the option of posting your responses anonymously or you may choose to have your name associated with your response. In your responses, please do not include personally identifiable information that you do not wish to make public.

For more information about the IACC, please visit
Now follow the IACC on Twitter (

Contact Information:
Attention: RFI on Updating the Strategic Plan for ASD Research
Office of Autism Research Coordination
Office of the Director
National Institute of Mental Health
6001 Executive Boulevard, Room 8235, MSC 9669
Bethesda, MD 20892-9669

The Oregon Association for Behavior Analysis (OR-ABA) posts items only as a service to OR-ABA members and other interested persons. OR-ABA reserves the right to edit items submittedfor content, length, and style. OR-ABA will post only those event announcements that appear to be consistent with OR-ABA's statement of purpose, relevant laws, regulations, and ethical principles. OR-ABA's decision in this regard is final. These announcements should not construed as advertisements or endorsements of the products, services, or events described. OR-ABA cannot accept paid advertising on these pages. Announcements of commerical events or events with strong commercial tie-ins will be carefully evaluated for suitability. OR-ABA makes no representation of the accuracy of the events announcements, the quality of the events described, or suitability of any event or its intended use.

visit our website to find out more about OR-ABA, our activities, monthly meetings and speakers.

Friday, July 17, 2009

MEETING: August 11, 2009 Meeting of the Oregon Association for Behavior Analysis

Next Meeting of the

WHEN: August 11, 2009, 6:30-8:00p
WHERE: Legacy Meridian Park Hospital
Community Health Education Center, Room 104
19300 SW 65th Avenue, Tualatin OR 97062
Map of the Hospital Campus (Location of meeting is 6. on the map)
Google map with driving directions

RSVP by August 1, 2009 to Sarah Schaefer, LPC, BCBA,
or (971) 344-9440

Group Discussion: Ethical Issues in the Practice of Behavior Analysis

Professionals, parents, students, and others interested in the practice of behavior analysis are invited to join in a group discussion on ethical issues encountered during practice. Everyone will be encouraged to share personal experiences and raise ethical questions particularly in regards to practicing within the state of Oregon.
This discussion group is meant to facilitate communication about the challenges of practice and influence decision making to maintain the highest standard of care.
The Oregon Association for Behavior Analysis (OR-ABA) posts items only as a service to OR-ABA members and other interested persons. OR-ABA reserves the right to edit items submittedfor content, length, and style. OR-ABA will post only those event announcements that appear to be consistent with OR-ABA's statement of purpose, relevant laws, regulations, and ethical principles. OR-ABA's decision in this regard is final. These announcements should not construed as advertisements or endorsements of the products, services, or events described. OR-ABA cannot accept paid advertising on these pages. Announcements of commerical events or events with strong commercial tie-ins will be carefully evaluated for suitability. OR-ABA makes no representation of the accuracy of the events announcements, the quality of the events described, or suitability of any event or its intended use.

visit our website to find out more about OR-ABA, our activities, monthly meetings and speakers.


Wednesday, July 8, 2009



Please disregard a previous notice on the originally scheduled OR-ABA meeting for July 8, 2009.
Circumstances require that the meeting be cancelled. The hope is to reschedule Dr. Anderson's talk later this year.

Thanks for your understanding.

Previous post/meeting announcement


The Oregon Association for Behavior Analysis (OR-ABA) posts items only as a service to OR-ABA members and other interested persons. OR-ABA reserves the right to edit items submittedfor content, length, and style. OR-ABA will post only those event announcements that appear to be consistent with OR-ABA's statement of purpose, relevant laws, regulations, and ethical principles. OR-ABA's decision in this regard is final. These announcements should not construed as advertisements or endorsements of the products, services, or events described. OR-ABA cannot accept paid advertising on these pages. Announcements of commerical events or events with strong commercial tie-ins will be carefully evaluated for suitability. OR-ABA makes no representation of the accuracy of the events announcements, the quality of the events described, or suitability of any event or its intended use.

visit our website to find out more about OR-ABA, our activities, monthly meetings and speakers.