Saturday, June 13, 2009

MEETING: July 8, 2009 Meeting of the Oregon Association for Behavior Analysis; Speaker: Cynthia Anderson, Ph.D.

Next Meeting of the

WHEN: Wednesday, July 8, 2009, 6:30-8:00p
WHERE: Legacy Meridian Park Hospital
Community Health Education Center, Room 107
19300 SW 65th Avenue, Tualatin OR 97062
Map of the Hospital Campus (Location of meeting is 6. on the map)
Google map with driving directions

RSVP by July 1, 2009 to Sarah Schaefer, LPC, BCBA,
or (971) 344-9440

Presenter: Cynthia M. Anderson, Ph.D. , Associate Professor of School Psychology,
Director of the UO School Psychology Program
Topic to be announced; please look for more information at the OR-ABA website.
Dr. Anderson joined the faculty at University of Oregon in 2005, after spending six years on the faculty in the Behavior Analysis program at West Virginia University. She is a graduate of an APA accredited program in Psychology. Dr. Anderson, Director of the School Psychology Program, works closely with the research group at UO's Educational and Community Supports Center, where she is involved in projects related to function-based support of problem behavior and positive behavior support in schools. Dr. Anderson’s teaching interests include Behavioral Assessment, Behavioral Consultation, Interventions for Child Behavior Disorders, Behavioral Theory. Her research interests include Functional assessment and functionally-derived interventions, systems change, durability and generality of interventions.
1.5 CEs will be available for $15.00

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