Thursday, June 25, 2009

FYI: A New Data-Collection Application for iPhone/iPod Touch

Not an endorsement [please see the disclaimer below]--just an FYI on a new product which may be of interest to practicing Behavior Analysts toting iPhones or ipod Touchs, but suitability is to be determined by the potential user, and no endorsement or warranty is made.

BehaviorTrackerPro, an iPhone/ipod Touch application newly available in the iTunes store.
Released June 20, 2009
copyright Marz Consulting Inc.
V. 1.0
0.6MB. Listed at $9.99

illustration of the app.

The website describes and illustrates use, type of data collection--frequency, duration, ABC, and the graphing functions.

For more information and evaluation for suitability,
see the BehaviorTrackerPro website.


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