Son, colleagues recall StonyBrook prof killed in crash
11:23 PM EDT, June 22, 2009
Dr. Edward G. Carr, L.Psy., BCBA, known as Ted to friends and colleagues, was killed Saturday in a head-on collision by a drunk driver. Dr. Carr's wife, Ilene Wasserman, who was also in the car, was reported to be in critical condition.
Dr. Carr had for decades been a Professor of Psychology at the State University of New York (SUNY) Stonybrook, and was the current Director of the university's Autism Research & Training Center.
His substantial research contributions were in the areas of functional communication, autism and positive behavioral support, and he served on the Editorial Boards of many journals and received many awards and recognitions for his work in improving conditions for those with disabilities.
Recently Dr. Carr had been awarded appointment to the Panel of Professional Advisors of the Autism Society of America.
The fields of Applied Behavior Analysis and Positive Behavioral Supports keenly feel the loss of Dr. Carr, and many extend their wishes for Dr. Wasserman's recovery and their condolences to Drs. Carr and Wasserman's family.
Dr. Edward (Ted) Carr Will be Missed....
June 23, 2009
C.A.R.D. Blog
Autism Community Mourns Passing of Dr. Ted Carr
Monday, June 22, 2009
By: Carin Yavorcik
Autism Society of America
Includes memorial page if friends and colleagues would like to leave messages for Drs. Carr and Wassermann's family
Edward G. Carr, 1947-2009
By JohnL on Jun. 22, 2009.
Autism Expert Killed In Alleged DUI Crash On LI
Stony Brook University Professor Edward Carr Dead After Collision With Suspected Drunk Driver
Jennifer McLogan
Son, colleagues recall StonyBrook prof killed in crash
11:23 PM EDT, June 22, 2009
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