Friday, December 18, 2009

OR-ABA members in the news: Kudos to OR-ABA member Jenny L. Fischer, BCBA on publication of a new article in the journal Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders

 A new article in Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders is lead-authored by OR-ABA member, Jenny L. Fischer, M.S., BCBA , who is now in private practice in  Bend, Oregon.

The article in the January-March 2010 issue of
Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders
(volume 4, issue 1), is,
Fischer, J.L., Howard, J.S., Sparkman, C.R., & Moore, A.G. (2010). Establishing generalized syntactical responding in young children with autism. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 4(1), 76-88.

Congratulations on publication Jenny, and regards from us at the
Oregon Association for Behavior Analysis


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