Saturday, January 30, 2010

ANNOUNCE: Winter 2010 issue of The Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies newsletter now available online

The Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies has announced a new issue of its newsletter, The Current Repertoire.

About the newsletter,
The Current Repertoire is the newsletter of the Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies. Published three times a year, The Current Repertoire features news about the Center, the science [of behavior analysis] and its members.
Current Issue - Winter 2010, Volume 26, Issue 1
In this issue:
  • From the Executive Director
  • Morningside Academy's Award-Winning Program Celebrates 30 Years
  • An Introduction to CCBS Director, Charles D. Hamad, Ph.D.
  • The Teaching Machine™: Vicci Tucci’s Latest Launch
  • Behavior & Philosophy, Jay Moore, Editor
  • 2009 Annual Meeting of the Trustees: Election Results
  • ABA Conference Coming to LA - CCBS & The Chicago School, LA
  • CCBS Happenings at ABAI Convention
  • Financial Contributors FY2009 - A list of our supporters
The Oregon Association for Behavior Analysis (OR-ABA) posts items only as a service to OR-ABA members and other interested persons. OR-ABA reserves the right to edit items submitted for content, length, and style. OR-ABA will post only those event announcements that appear to be consistent with OR-ABA's statement of purpose, relevant laws, regulations, and ethical principles. OR-ABA's decision in this regard is final. These announcements should not construed as advertisements or endorsements of the products, services, or events described. OR-ABA cannot accept paid advertising on these pages. Announcements of commercial events or events with strong commercial tie-ins will be carefully evaluated for suitability. OR-ABA makes no representation of the accuracy of the events announcements, the quality of the events described, or suitability of any event or its intended use.
Please visit our website to find out more about OR-ABA, our activities, monthly meetings and speakers.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

ABA International issues reminder on 2010 Annual Convention deadlines

An email reminder arrived today on some fast-approaching deadlines regarding the Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI)'s 36th Annual Convention in San Antonio, Texas, May 28 - June 1, 2010 at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center
"As the ABAI 2010 Annual Convention approaches, we thought it might be helpful to send a reminder of deadlines that are coming up soon!
  • Friday, January 29, 2010 is the deadline for any changes to be included on the convention web site and in the convention program book. Changes should be sent to It is very important to list the title and ID of your submission in the subject line of the email. You may view your submission by signing onto the ABAI portal.
  • Wednesday, February 24, 2010 is the last day to register for the annual convention at the "early bird" pre-registration pricing. You can save over 30% by registering today instead of paying on-site!
  • If you have not done so already, we recommend that you make your hotel reservations soon. Rooms are still available at the Hyatt Regency, located within walking distance of the convention center. Please visit the hotel information page  to make your reservation on-line.
We hope these reminders are helpful for you. We thank you in advance for contributing to the success of the 2010 ABAI Annual Convention.

ABA International Team
Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Oregon Association for Behavior Analysis (OR-ABA) posts items only as a service to OR-ABA members and other interested persons. OR-ABA reserves the right to edit items submittedfor content, length, and style. OR-ABA will post only those event announcements that appear to be consistent with OR-ABA's statement of purpose, relevant laws, regulations, and ethical principles. OR-ABA's decision in this regard is final. These announcements should not construed as advertisements or endorsements of the products, services, or events described. OR-ABA cannot accept paid advertising on these pages. Announcements of commerical events or events with strong commercial tie-ins will be carefully evaluated for suitability. OR-ABA makes no representation of the accuracy of the events announcements, the quality of the events described, or suitability of any event or its intended use.

visit our website to find out more about OR-ABA, our activities, monthly meetings and speakers.

ANNOUNCE: CalABA announces 1/29/10 early registration deadline for the 28th Annual Western Regional Conference

The California Association for Behavior Analysis (CalABA) has sent out a reminder of a Friday, January 29, 2010 early registration deadline for the 28th Annual Western Regional Conference in Irvine, California, February 18-20, 2010.

Late registration deadline is February 5, 2010.

They also have a note that some previously sold out workshops have increased enrollment limits and have re-opened for registration.

Visit the CalABA website for more information and to register for the conference.
Previous blog post
Sunday, November 22, 2009
ANNOUNCE: CalABA Announces 2010 Conference Speakers and Events

The Oregon Association for Behavior Analysis (OR-ABA) posts items only as a service to OR-ABA members and other interested persons. OR-ABA reserves the right to edit items submittedfor content, length, and style. OR-ABA will post only those event announcements that appear to be consistent with OR-ABA's statement of purpose, relevant laws, regulations, and ethical principles. OR-ABA's decision in this regard is final. These announcements should not construed as advertisements or endorsements of the products, services, or events described. OR-ABA cannot accept paid advertising on these pages. Announcements of commerical events or events with strong commercial tie-ins will be carefully evaluated for suitability. OR-ABA makes no representation of the accuracy of the events announcements, the quality of the events described, or suitability of any event or its intended use.

visit our website to find out more about OR-ABA, our activities, monthly meetings and speakers.

Monday, January 25, 2010

ANNOUNCE: Maine issues new evidence-based report on autism interventions

 **Update: 1/25/10, 3:05pm PST - A reader passed along the tip that the Winter 2010 issue/volume 7(1) of Science in Autism Treatment, the newsletter of the Association for Science in Autism Treatment contains a summary on the Maine report,

pp. 4-5, "Consumer Corner: Maine Releases Report on Evidence-Based Practice for Autism"
Lora Perry, M.S., BCBA
SCIENCE IN AUTISM TREATMENT: Newsletter of the Association for Science in Autism Treatment. Vol. 7 No. 1, Winter 2010.
[End of Update 1]**
A collaboration of The Maine Department of Health and Human Service & The Maine Department of Education recently issued a report on evaluation of the evidence for interventions for ASD.

The report is,
Interventions for Autism Spectrum Disorders: STATE OF THE EVIDENCE
Report of the Children’s Services Evidence-Based Practice Advisory Committee
A Collaboration of
October 2009
Summary table can be found on pages 8-10

This report is another addition to the reference library of updated reports on the state of evidence on autism intervention, which also includes,

National Standards Report: The National Standards — Addressing the Need for Evidence-based Practice Guidelines for Autism Spectrum Disorders (174pp.)
National Autism Center, Randolph, MA. 2009.

Evidence-Based Practice and Autism in the Schools: A Guide To Providing Appropriate Interventions to Students With Autism Spectrum Disorders. (258pp.)
National Autism Center, Randolph, MA. 2009.

Myers, S.M., Plauche Johnson, C., (2007). Clinical report: Management of children with autism spectrum disorders. PEDIATRICS, 120(5),1162-1182. (doi:10.1542/peds.2007-2362) 

AAP Policy - American Academy of Pediatrics
NB: Applied behavior analysis and functional behavior analysis covered under "Specific Strategies" on page 1164, under "Speech and Language Therapy" on page 1165, under "Social Skills Training" on page 1165, under "Comparative Efficacy of Educational Interventions for Young Children" on page 1166, under "Programs for Older Children and Adolescents" on page 1166.

Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN). Assessment, diagnosis and clinical interventions for children and young people with autism spectrum disorders. A national clinical guideline. Edinburgh (Scotland): Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN); 2007 Jul. 65 p. (SIGN publication; no. 98). [232 references]

Ministries of Health and Education. 2008. New Zealand Autism Spectrum Disorder Guideline. Wellington: Ministry of Health.

Related groups, websites, books and past blog posts

Presentation: 7. Behavior Analytic Research in the Treatment of Autism
David Celiberti, Ph.D., BCBA
"An overview of the state of research in autism that evaluates behavior analytic and non–behavior analytic treatments will be presented, with an emphasis on considerations for future research in applied settings."
Presented Monday August 4 at the 2008 National Autism Conference. August 4–8, 2008 Penn State, Pennsylvania
(scroll down the page to the presentation, handouts, and audio of the presentation)

A Parent's Guide to Research
Life Journey Through Autism Guide
Organization for Autism Research

Association for Science in Autism Treatment (ASAT)
Summaries of Scientific Research on ABA Teaching Procedures
Teaching Procedures Using Principles of Applied Behavior Analysis

Research Autism (UK)
Introduction to interventions in autism
Evaluated Interventions
Early Intensive Behavioural Intervention

Parent Guide to [autism] Therapies (Australia)
Raising children network: The Australian Parenting Website

Association for Behavior Analysis International -  Autism Special Interest Group

Association for Behavior Analysis International  - Parent-Professional Partnership Special Interest Group (PPP-SIG)


Oregon Evidence-based Practice Center

Evidence-based Practice
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
US Department of Health and Human Services

The Cochrane Collaboration 
[Evidence-based health care]
An introduction to Cochrane reviews and The Cochrane Library

The Campbell Collaboration 

[systematic reviews of the effects of social interventions - education, crime and justice, and social welfare]

The Wing Institute
Executive Summary
How Does Applied Behavior Analysis Support Evidence-Based Education

Effective Practices for children with autism: Educational and behavior support interventions that work. (2008). New York: Luiselli, J.K., Russo, D.C., Christian, C.P, & Wilczynski, S.M. (Editors). New York: Oxford University Press, USA.
ISBN-13: 978-0-19-531704-6

[Google books limited preview]

Early intervention for autism spectrum disorders: a critical analysis.
 Matson, J.L., & Minshawi, N.F. (2006).  Amsterdam: Elsevier Ltd.
ISBN-13: 978-0-08-044675-2

[Google books limited preview]

Past related blog posts
Friday, January 8, 2010
Oregon Association for Behavior Analysis (OR-ABA) Blog

NEWS: Pediatrics publishes two significant reports on evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal disorders in individuals diagnosed with ASD

Thursday, December 3, 2009
Oregon Association for Behavior Analysis (OR-ABA) Blog

ANNOUNCE: National Autism Center releases new educators' manual on evidence-based practice for ASD in schools

The Oregon Association for Behavior Analysis (OR-ABA) posts items only as a service to OR-ABA members and other interested persons. OR-ABA reserves the right to edit items submittedfor content, length, and style. OR-ABA will post only those event announcements that appear to be consistent with OR-ABA's statement of purpose, relevant laws, regulations, and ethical principles. OR-ABA's decision in this regard is final. These announcements should not construed as advertisements or endorsements of the products, services, or events described. OR-ABA cannot accept paid advertising on these pages. Announcements of commerical events or events with strong commercial tie-ins will be carefully evaluated for suitability. OR-ABA makes no representation of the accuracy of the events announcements, the quality of the events described, or suitability of any event or its intended use.

visit our website to find out more about OR-ABA, our activities, monthly meetings and speakers.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

ANNOUNCE: Volume 5(1) of the Journal of Speech Language Pathology and Applied Behavior Analysis (JSLP-ABA) now available

Volume 5(1), January 12, 2010 of the peer-reviewed open access journal, Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Applied Behavior Analysis (JSLP-ABA) is now available at the Behavior Analysis Online website.

Table of Contents of volume 5(1):
Pg.: 1: Generic Instruction versus Intensive Tact Instruction and the Emission of Spontaneous Speech
- R. Douglas Greer& Lin Du

Pg.: 20: Effects of Multiple Exemplar Instruction on the Transformation of Stimulus Function Across Written and Vocal Spelling Responses by Students with Autism
- Carly M. Eby, R. Douglas Greer, Lisa D. Tullo, Katherine A. Baker & Rebecca Pauly

Pg.: 32: .AAC Interventions: Case study of In-utero Stroke.
- Cindy Geise Arroyo, Robert Goldfarb, Danielle Cahill, & Janet Schoepflin

Pg.: 48: Implications of Skinner’s Verbal Behavior for Studying Dementia
- Jeffrey A. Buchanan, Daniel Houlihan, & Peter J.N. Linnerooth

Pg.: 59: Using Skinner’s Model of Verbal Behavior Analysis to study Aggression in Psychiatric Hospitals
- Michael Daffern & Matthew Tonkin

Pg.: 70: Evaluation of Two Communicative Response Modalities for a Child with Autism and Self-Injury
- Stacy E. Danov, Ellie Hartman, Jennifer J. McComas, & Frank J. Symons

Pg.: 80: Using DRO, Behavioral Momentum,and Self-Regulation to Reduce Scripting by an Adolescent with Autism
- Vanessa Ann Silla-Zaleski & Mary J. Vesloski

Archived open-access volumes of JSLP-ABA are also available at the Behavior Analyst Online website, as well as,

The Oregon Association for Behavior Analysis (OR-ABA) posts items only as a service to OR-ABA members and other interested persons. OR-ABA reserves the right to edit items submittedfor content, length, and style. OR-ABA will post only those event announcements that appear to be consistent with OR-ABA's statement of purpose, relevant laws, regulations, and ethical principles. OR-ABA's decision in this regard is final. These announcements should not construed as advertisements or endorsements of the products, services, or events described. OR-ABA cannot accept paid advertising on these pages. Announcements of commerical events or events with strong commercial tie-ins will be carefully evaluated for suitability. OR-ABA makes no representation of the accuracy of the events announcements, the quality of the events described, or suitability of any event or its intended use.

visit our website to find out more about OR-ABA, our activities, monthly meetings and speakers.

Friday, January 22, 2010

SURVEY request on national ABA services for ASD from the Connecticut Center for Child Development

The Connecticut Center for Child Development, Inc. CCCD,  a non-profit organization providing educational services for individuals with autism spectrum disorders and their families located in Milford, CT, is currently gathering information through a short confidential survey on the availability of qualified providers of Applied Behavior Analytic (ABA) programming for people with autism throughout the country.

Suzanne Letso, MA, BCBA, CEO of CCCD sent out a reminder today on the parent survey that,

"The autism survey will close on January 31, 2010 at 12:00 midnight. If you have not yet participated we invite you do so prior to the end of this month – the survey is for those that have and have not ever had a child participate in an ABA program.
We would greatly appreciate it if you could also forward this reminder to other parents who may not have taken this survey yet. 

 It is a very short survey and will take less than 5 minutes to complete and all responses are confidential.

Here is the link to the survey:  

We will post the results of this survey on our website, but if you would also like to receive the summary data from this survey please send us an email at Summary data will be available in aggregate or by individual state basis.

Yours truly,
Suzanne Letso, M.A., BCBA
Chief Executive Officer
Connecticut Center for Child Development, Inc.
925 Bridgeport Ave.
Milford , CT 06460
(203) 882-8810 "


The Oregon Association for Behavior Analysis (OR-ABA) posts items only as a service to OR-ABA members and other interested persons. OR-ABA reserves the right to edit items submittedfor content, length, and style. OR-ABA will post only those event announcements that appear to be consistent with OR-ABA's statement of purpose, relevant laws, regulations, and ethical principles. OR-ABA's decision in this regard is final. These announcements should not construed as advertisements or endorsements of the products, services, or events described. OR-ABA cannot accept paid advertising on these pages. Announcements of commerical events or events with strong commercial tie-ins will be carefully evaluated for suitability. OR-ABA makes no representation of the accuracy of the events announcements, the quality of the events described, or suitability of any event or its intended use.

visit our website to find out more about OR-ABA, our activities, monthly meetings and speakers.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

ANNOUNCE: Reminder of Oregon Commission on Autism Spectrum Disorder website, and calendar of meetings

A notice was sent out today to remind stakeholders on the email list that the Oregon Commission on Autism Spectrum Disorder now has a website, and to announce two meetings open for public comment and other events on the Commission's calendar. To sign up for push-in email messages, use the "To join our mailing list" function listed in the right sidebar of the website.

The mission for the Oregon Commission on Autism Spectrum Disorder
Develop appropriate, collaborative and timely supports and services across the lifespan.
This mission is accomplished by the creation and implementation of a long term strategic plan that increases coordination, promotes best available practice, makes efficient use of resources, and both directly engages with, and better responds to the needs of, people on the spectrum and their families.

Friday, January 29, 2010
9:00am  – 4:30 pm
State Capitol Building
Hearing Room C
900 Court Street NE
Salem, Oregon 97301
"Public Comment is welcome but may be limited due to time constraints".
Capitol visitor information: directions, parking, maps of the capitol building

Thursday, March 4, 2010
9:00am – 4:30 pm
State Capitol Building
Hearing Room C
900 Court Street NE
Salem, Oregon 97301
"Public Comment is welcome but may be limited due to time constraints".
Capitol visitor information: directions, parking, maps of the capitol building

SubCommittee Meetings Scheduled
See current Subcommittee Meetings listed on the website calendar.

Previous posts
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Oregon Association for Behavior Analysis (ORABA) blog
ANNOUNCE: New Oregon Commission on Autism website
The Oregon Association for Behavior Analysis (OR-ABA) posts items only as a service to OR-ABA members and other interested persons. OR-ABA reserves the right to edit items submittedfor content, length, and style. OR-ABA will post only those event announcements that appear to be consistent with OR-ABA's statement of purpose, relevant laws, regulations, and ethical principles. OR-ABA's decision in this regard is final. These announcements should not construed as advertisements or endorsements of the products, services, or events described. OR-ABA cannot accept paid advertising on these pages. Announcements of commerical events or events with strong commercial tie-ins will be carefully evaluated for suitability. OR-ABA makes no representation of the accuracy of the events announcements, the quality of the events described, or suitability of any event or its intended use.

visit our website to find out more about OR-ABA, our activities, monthly meetings and speakers.

Monday, January 18, 2010

ANNOUNCE: Tme to Join or Renew Membership in the Oregon Association for Behavior Analysis (ORABA)

January 1 marks the start of the New Year,
AND time to join or renew membership to the
Oregon Association for Behavior Analysis (ORABA)!

ORABA's membership calendar runs from January 1 through December 31 of each year, so we are asking current members to take a few minutes to renew their memberships.

We would also like to extend a welcoming invitation to those who would like to join ORABA and take advantage of our meetings, invited speakers and other activities of the chapter to also apply.

Information and applications for membership can be found on the membership page of the ORABA website,

Please visit our website to get overview of our structure, mission, officers and events - past and present.

Thank you!


The Oregon Association for Behavior Analysis (OR-ABA) posts items only as a service to OR-ABA members and other interested persons. OR-ABA reserves the right to edit items submittedfor content, length, and style. OR-ABA will post only those event announcements that appear to be consistent with OR-ABA's statement of purpose, relevant laws, regulations, and ethical principles. OR-ABA's decision in this regard is final. These announcements should not construed as advertisements or endorsements of the products, services, or events described. OR-ABA cannot accept paid advertising on these pages. Announcements of commerical events or events with strong commercial tie-ins will be carefully evaluated for suitability. OR-ABA makes no representation of the accuracy of the events announcements, the quality of the events described, or suitability of any event or its intended use.
Please visit our website to find out more about OR-ABA, our activities, monthly meetings and speakers.

Friday, January 8, 2010

NEWS: Pediatrics publishes two significant reports on evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal disorders in individuals diagnosed with ASD

Note: This is cross-posted from the Practitioner Issues in Behavior Analysis Special Interest Group (PIBA-SIG) blog.

One particular note of interest for those in Oregon is that the Acknowledgements of the consensus report states that, 

"The meeting and consensus report were sponsored by the Autism Forum. The forum's goal in this initiative is to establish best practices for the care of co-occurring medical conditions that may affect the developmental outcome of persons with ASDs. Autism Forum programs are developed under the guidance of the Northwest Autism Foundation and in association with, and support of, the Autism Research Institute, Autism Society of America, and Easter Seals Oregon."

On January 4, 2010 Pediatrics, the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics, published online two articles related to the evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal disorders in individuals with autism spectrum disorders.

Both articles are currently available in free full-text at the Pediatrics website,and professionals working with the ASD population may find them of value for their own education and in their roles in serving individuals with ASD.

The first is a consensus report based on the review of current available evidence by an expert panel (composition of the panel, evaluative process and resulting twenty-three statements described in the full report). Because evidence-based recommendation was not achievable at this time, this consensus report was produced, with a footnote included that,
"The guidance in this article is not intended to advocate for an exclusive course of treatment or to represent a standard of medical care. Individual circumstances will determine variations that may be appropriate."

DOI: 10.1542/peds.2009-1878C

Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are common and clinically heterogeneous neurodevelopmental disorders. Gastrointestinal disorders and associated symptoms are commonly reported in individuals with ASDs, but key issues such as the prevalence and best treatment of these conditions are incompletely understood. A central difficulty in recognizing and characterizing gastrointestinal dysfunction with ASDs is the communication difficulties experienced by many affected individuals. A multidisciplinary panel reviewed the medical literature with the aim of generating evidence-based recommendations for diagnostic evaluation and management of gastrointestinal problems in this patient population. The panel concluded that evidence-based recommendations are not yet available. The consensus expert opinion of the panel was that individuals with ASDs deserve the same thoroughness and standard of care in the diagnostic workup and treatment of gastrointestinal concerns as should occur for patients without ASDs. Care providers should be aware that problem behavior in patients with ASDs may be the primary or sole symptom of the underlying medical condition, including some gastrointestinal disorders. For these patients, integration of behavioral and medical care may be most beneficial. Priorities for future research are identified to advance our understanding and management of gastrointestinal disorders in persons with ASDs.Pediatrics 2010;125:S1–S18

The second,
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2009-1878D

includes differential diagnostic and treatment guidelines which make reference to the consensus report.

Children with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) can benefit from adaptation of general pediatric guidelines for the diagnostic evaluation of abdominal pain, chronic constipation, and gastroesophageal reflux disease. These guidelines help health care providers determine when gastrointestinal symptoms are self-limited and when evaluation beyond a thorough medical history and physical examination should be considered. Children with ASDs who have gastrointestinal disorders may present with behavioral manifestations. Diagnostic and treatment recommendations for the general pediatric population are useful to consider until the development of evidence-based guidelines specifically for patients with ASDs. Pediatrics 2010;125:S19–S29

As a sidebar to the newsstories on the Pediatrics articles, it was noted in one news report that there is a current well-designed and controlled study at the University of Rochester that is anticipated to provide useful information on the effects of the gluten-free/casein-free diet on children with ASD, and that Autism Speaks will be issuing its own recommendations on treatment, including diet, within the year via its Autism Treatment Network.

For further reading/references:

Thursday, January 7, 2010
Practitioner Issues in Behavior Analysis SIG blog

Autism Speaks

Experts say that, for now, parents should work with their child's doctors
By E.J. Mundell
HealthDay Reporter, BusinessWeek

Pediatrics - Official Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics


The Oregon Association for Behavior Analysis (OR-ABA) posts items only as a service to OR-ABA members and other interested persons. OR-ABA reserves the right to edit items submittedfor content, length, and style. OR-ABA will post only those event announcements that appear to be consistent with OR-ABA's statement of purpose, relevant laws, regulations, and ethical principles. OR-ABA's decision in this regard is final. These announcements should not construed as advertisements or endorsements of the products, services, or events described. OR-ABA cannot accept paid advertising on these pages. Announcements of commerical events or events with strong commercial tie-ins will be carefully evaluated for suitability. OR-ABA makes no representation of the accuracy of the events announcements, the quality of the events described, or suitability of any event or its intended use.
Please visit our website to find out more about OR-ABA, our activities, monthly meetings and speakers.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Reminder: RSVP by the 4th for the January 15, 2010 OR-ABA Meeting

Reminder: RSVP by January 4 for the upcoming meeting in Klamath Falls on January 15, 2010. 
Please see the notice below for details on the meeting
and this month's speaker.

Next Meeting of the

WHEN: Friday, January 15, 2010; 9:00a-2:00p

WHERE: Oregon Institute of Technology [OIT]
3201 Campus Drive Klamath Falls, OR 97601

Lunch will be provided.

RSVP* by Monday, January 4, 2010 to Sarah Schaefer, LPC, BCBA,
(971)344-9440 or

*A group will be driving down to Klamath Falls on Thursday. 
Please let Sarah Schaefer know if you are interested in carpooling and sharing a hotel room when you RSVP.

Maria Lynn Kessler, Ph.D.
Associate Professor at OIT, Program Director of the Applied Psychology Program

Dr. Kessler teaches behavior modification courses at OIT where she has been a professor since January, 2003.  She obtained a MS in Behavior Analysis and Therapy from Southern Illinois University and a PhD in Psychology from Florida State University where she studied under Dr. Jon S. Bailey.  Dr. Kessler has worked with a variety of populations in many settings including: Developmental Disabilities, Child Abuse/Neglect, and Organizational Behavior Management.


  • The Oregon Association for Behavior Analysis is an organization for professionals, parents, caregivers, educators, researchers and others who are interested in promoting the field of behavior analysis within the community.  The association plans on fulfilling this purpose by the following:
  • Encourage the understanding of all aspects of behavior analysis (e.g., the experimental analysis of behavior, applied behavior analysis, and radical behaviorism) in universities, schools, and community settings by encouraging competent practice, providing a forum for behavior analysts to gather and share information, and disseminating information on behavior analysis to the community.
  • Supporting the design and application of evidence based practices to improve the quality of life of the citizens of Oregon.
  • Serving as a professional reference group for those who identify themselves as scientists or practitioners in disciplines that embrace the principles and practices of behavior analysis.
  • Advising political, legislative, and policy-making bodies with respect to all matters pertaining to behavior analysis.
  • Promote the Behavior Analyst Certification Board as the appropriate body for credentialing practitioners of Applied Behavior Analysis in the state of Oregon.
  • Maintaining a website containing information about the organization as well as resources pertaining to behavior analysis.
The Oregon Association for Behavior Analysis (OR-ABA) posts items only as a service to OR-ABA members and other interested persons. OR-ABA reserves the right to edit items submittedfor content, length, and style. OR-ABA will post only those event announcements that appear to be consistent with OR-ABA's statement of purpose, relevant laws, regulations, and ethical principles. OR-ABA's decision in this regard is final. These announcements should not construed as advertisements or endorsements of the products, services, or events described. OR-ABA cannot accept paid advertising on these pages. Announcements of commerical events or events with strong commercial tie-ins will be carefully evaluated for suitability. OR-ABA makes no representation of the accuracy of the events announcements, the quality of the events described, or suitability of any event or its intended use.

visit our website to find out more about OR-ABA, our activities, monthly meetings and speakers.
