Monday, December 28, 2009

January preparations for one month Oregon legislative session in February

The Oregon Disabilities Network [A project of the Oregon Council on Developmental Disabilities and the Oregon Developmental Disabilities Coalition] reports in their most recent GO!Bulletin/Grassroots Oregon Bulletin,
February Legislative Session Preparations begin in January

The Oregon Legislature is scheduled to go into a one month legislative session on February 1, 2010. Since the session will be very short, timelines will be very tight. House members will be allowed to introduce one bill and Senators will be allowed to introduce two bills. Committees will be allowed to introduce legislation with the approval of the President or Speaker. On January 12, 13, 14, legislative committees will hold public hearings on many of the bills that will be officially introduced during the session. Committee agendas will become available soon. Bills will be assigned to Committees by January 11, 2009.
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