Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Eugene, OR: Association for Direct Instruction announces dates for National Direct Instruction Conference and Institutes

The Association for Direct Instruction announces the upcoming Annual National Direct Instruction Conference and Institutes to be held in Eugene, Oregon.
The Association for Direct Instruction (ADI) is pleased to announce that the 36th (yes 36 years) Annual National Direct Instruction Conference and Institutes will be held
July 25-29, 2010,
in Eugene, Oregon,
at the Hilton Eugene and Conference Center.

The featured Keynote speaker will be noted DI consultant Carolyn Schneider. Carolyn has a long history with and was inducted into the Direct Instruction Hall of Fame in 2001.  Over the past 35 years she has trained and coached thousands of teachers and administrators, as well as serving as a lead consultant trainer for SRA
Zig Engelmann will also present an opening address.

Along with main line program training, there are sessions on Classroom Management, Coaching, RTI, DIBELS, Administrator training and much more.  A brochure will be available in early January.

The Eugene Hilton is ready to take your hotel reservation now.  Room rates start at $137.00.  Contact them at 1.541.342.2000 and reserve your room today.

Plan on attending the largest, longest running conference designed specifically for Direct Instruction users!

I hope to see you in Eugene this summer!


Bryan Wickman,
Executive Director
Association for Direct Instruction
PO Box 10252
Eugene, OR   97440
1.800.995.2464 voice
1.541.868.1397 fax

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