Thursday, November 26, 2009

LECTURE: Online Podcast of Dr. Peter Gerhardt's Presentation to the City Club of Cleveland

The invited talk to the City Club of Cleveland on November 20, 2009 by Peter Gerhardt, Ed.D. President of the Organization for Autism Research (OAR) & Chair of the OAR's Scientific Council  is now posted as a free listen/download podcast, and for purchase as a CD.

Link to the podcast
55:32 Published: Fri, Nov 20, 2009 12:00:00 -0500
alternative link

To the speaker's page,

Peter is a lively public speaker on the topic of autism and Asperger's Syndrome; he also mentions the contributions of Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention (EIBI) to good outcomes, and during the Q&A, discusses more in depth possibility of loss of diagnosis in autism and significant improvement via EIBI.
  • Understanding autism
  • Fictions and facts
  • Needs of adults and how society can work together to promote "quality of life".
  • Included in the Q&A:
  • - genetics/heritability/family clusters of autism? "Later" diagnoses of autism?
  • - autism has been at the same prevalence - mis/different diagnosis in the past or real change in prevalence?
  • - What would be diagnosis of the "Rainman"? What is the criteria for Asperger's Syndrome?
  • - Are there pockets of autism or is it evenly distributed?
  • - Need for early intervention -describe. How do people pay for this?
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