A significant statement has been made by Thomas R. Insel, Director of the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) regarding the results of this study,
“Medication alone has been shown to help with some symptoms of autism, but its potential is limited...This study shows promise of a more effective treatment protocol that could improve life for children with autism and their families."
ABA International members Eric Butter, Ph.D. and James A. Mulick, Ph.D. are two of the team of researchers who authored the research article.
Behavior Therapy Plus Medication Most Successful For Kids With Autism
By Michelle Diament
November 23, 2009
Disability Scoop 11/23/09
"Children with autism experienced fewer behaviors and needed less medication when their parents used behavior therapy in addition to medication, new research shows."
Aman, M.G., McDougle, C.J.,Scahill, L., Handen ,B., Arnold, L. E., et. al.(2009). Medication and parent training in children with pervasive developmental disorders and serious behavior problems: Results from a randomized clinical trial. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry,48(12),1143-1154.
doi: 10.1097/CHI. 0b013e3181bfd669
NIMH Press Release
November 20, 2009
Parent Training Complements Medication for Treating Behavioral Problems in Children with Pervasive Developmental Disorders
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The Oregon Association for Behavior Analysis (OR-ABA) posts items only as a service to OR-ABA members and other interested persons. OR-ABA reserves the right to edit items submitted for content, length, and style. OR-ABA will post only those event announcements that appear to be consistent with OR-ABA's statement of purpose, relevant laws, regulations, and ethical principles. OR-ABA's decision in this regard is final. These announcements should not construed as advertisements or endorsements of the products, services, or events described. OR-ABA cannot accept paid advertising on these pages. Announcements of commercial events or events with strong commercial tie-ins will be carefully evaluated for suitability. OR-ABA makes no representation of the accuracy of the events announcements, the quality of the events described, or suitability of any event or its intended use.
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